It's amazing. Install it. I gave up my customized GLSL shaders with waving water, waving plants and wheat, DOF, god rays, bloom, and waving...
Noxiw, I don't even need to tell you how much you win. Random server pictures. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
I'm talking about PC?.... Jizztastic
Looks like a really great game. But with all the games coming out this fall...
I guess I am wrong. Although Minecraft wiki has been proven to be highly inaccurate. I found the use! That's awesome! Try clicking an endermen...
Reach in general if its in your inventory I believe.
Isn't this your picture? HansZer ft. PBat - Zubercablas - YouTube If so, congrats bro.
Xp lag is gone noobs. Enderpearls increase the range of your reach. Cool rite?
No, for Skyrim when it comes out. I decide to bump the thread again like an uber bawss and I brought 3 new 5-30 min videos (They just came out...
I really like this map. It's clean, simple and plays very well. Your use of aesthetics is very well done, and one can only wonder at the thought...
Aaaah shut up. ;)
I didn't see the next page :S
Or you could stop wasting or ****ing time with the bullshit coming out of your mouth. It's obviously not real unless you can prove it, which you...
That's cute. Because if you look in, you can clearly see that Endermen can not touch any blocks placed by the player. So all...
[JAR] TFCs Mod Manager [UPDATE 16] Run MC Button and Err rep - Minecraft Forum
It's up on the MC forums. SMP is has several lag spikes for some reason. Like it's running perfect then like for 2 or 3 seconds it's at like 1 fps.
I'm sure people have LOTS to worry about when they are wasting their time browsing a minecraft discussion thread. Taking two sentences out of a...
My wall of text was not only attacking Notch, it was attacking those who have been whining and pushing around Notch. We would have had much more...