Ummm... do you have a silent vigil all day...?
They set the date... and I'll be paying for as soon as I can buy it.
What's My IP Address? Networking Tools & More I also recommend getting a domain name, if it's something you care about.
It's Bethesda's fault, setting the release on a holiday. I'm already 6.6 % done. Oh and @Stouf I'm not posting any links or anything, and I am...
I'm forced to torrent it as today is a holiday in Canadia, Remembrance day. (All stores closed)
Pointless thread is pointless.
Like most prostitutes.
Bethesda Elder Scrolls V E3 Virtual Booth - GameSpot
Meh. Its all personal preference. I personally have no problem with sooper high-res packs, but cannot stand LB Photo Realism. I personally like...
Not really anything new.
Hmmm... I have prestiged on every game but call of duty 4... which I no longer have. I wish you could have multiple points per game. (10th WAW and...
I have spent more of my life on Halo 3 than any other game. I have played 3000+ hours in it's lifetime. I still play it. I miss everything about...
This. Stunts in Vice City were unrealistic but made it much more fun. I've spent a great deal of my life on that game.
I had already posted that but yes its full of win. Also:
Do you have all properly installed hardware? You might not have all your RAM compatible with your board. Check task manager to see how much RAM...
I vote cows eat grass, pigs eat slop, and chickens eat chicken feed. Nuff said Oh my gawd custom console ftw! [IMG]
I now have my computer again so I'm almost always free, I didn't manage to get on xbox the day after. Just msg me when you want to play.
Google sketchup is cool, but eventually you just want to play a multiplayer match on what you make. Farcry 3 is coming out which is a very...
Got it launch day like a bawss. Horde maps are pretty good. Chainsaw still isn't tuned down enough IMO.