I like the idea of being bored out of my mind as a prisoner. That is what being a prisoner is all about, isn't it? No one would vote to play your...
I wrote a bunch of mini articles on forging Invasion at Forging Reach. Check them out and tell me if they help at all.
I don't see how that would solve the problem in the long run. It seems this would only solve the problem in a very select environment. I am sure...
yes you can upload to your fileshare within reach like always.
I would think that FH would be like getting drunk for a while, then have a huge hang over when it comes time to relink the file share links in all...
Having worked on commercial scale web systems, I can tell you it isn't that simple.
After playing it a couple more times I now think it is NOT too long/deep and I would not shorten it at all. But it does still feel too narrow....
This is true of any map, because it is true of any corner that has no back entrance. And any map will have this feature or it would probably be...
For forgers who are passionate about forging Invasion, I have updated my blog, Forging Reach, with a new mini series of lessons on forging...
on second thought, I really don't want to get into this discussion...
Have you read through the spawn tutorials at Forging Reach? If so, and you are still having trouble, send me an invite at about 7pm Hawaii Time...
What is the purpose of taking T1 or T2 objectives???
go online and accept my invite
See the tutorials at Forging Reach. These tutorials on spawning are a collection of information from bungie articles and thread posts answering...
So the web access to our File Share will be interrupted for a few weeks?
I am really glad we had this discussion, because it has helped me find the words to articulate what I was feeling all along. As I was thinking...
About the total situational awareness, if a player cannot see what the other teams of his race are doing or up against, then the only way for him...
Take everything I said with this understanding, the map played better than most I have seen and does have a number of fundamental Invasion Game...
I believe you need a barrier to isolate T2 from T1. I realize people will say that this is not necessary, and that a kill boundary would suffice....
I have always thought that the loadouts in the standard game type are balanced. The idea of going from 1 to 5 choices is the same as why you see...