if vehicles are market extraction target, they blow up. the act of the extraction on the extraction target objective pieces looks like they...
Yes, you are correct. Skill, which does include strategy and coordination, is something that should be rewarded. However, take a look at the game...
While this may be the primary reason or a secondary reason, I do not know. Do you have a cite from 343i or CertainAffinity as to explaining their...
Like Hulk point out, the standard we should follow is the playlist. What they share in common is what your map should share in common with them....
I was a bit bothered by the constant slamming of 343i/CA for their decisions on Forge for Halo 4. But I loved the calm voices as though they were...
Excellent work on the dome structure. Very novel... The structure next to it is the only piece that looks out of place because it leans over. The...
Lack of quality forging demonstrates lack of QA, nothing else. Lack of precision editing demonstrates they either didn't know that it was a...
Not quite. A blue team assigned zone only changes the weights for the blue team. They won't affect the red team's spawning potential. This is not...
(problems solved, deleting my post...)
There are constraints. A map too small relative to the team size and you can't avoid spawn traps. This is a mathematical fact. [COLOR=Orange][B]...
It depends upon a number of factors. I am writing an article on this very topic now, but it won't be ready for a while. But consider how haven is...
It is different, better in some ways, worse in others. I miss the pristine gray and the fine editing in Reach. That is all I miss. I have gotten...
If you set up CTF using Respawn Zones like the 343i maps do, then spawning by the enemy flag is not unexpected. A team mate standing by a Respawn...
I am working on a 4v4 map on Impact myself. I have used about 4k budget. My blocks are very carefully picked for several factors, especially...
AWESOME... Okay, I am not allowed to post just that one word by itself. I find the art in your work very inspiring. I am currently working on a...
No, he is asking how to spawn AFTER 180 seconds.. 180 seconds is the max spawn delay. You cannot spawn AFTER 180 seconds...
I don't know if anyone has pointed out that it doesn't have to be illegal to get you banned from XBOX LIVE... I am not certain if this would get...
You are correct. Reach had labels for a single team zone using CTF and then also the ability to use dual state zones using the FLAG AWAY and FLAG...
Let's simplify the map so that the answer is easier to follow... Let's say red team has Respawn Point A covered by the red team Respawn Zone, blue...
I would suggest that you do not follow that guide. Here is a brief summary of the zones. The spawn zones are static influences that encourage...