ok, good but now it needs auto motionsensoring shotguns and have the ability to turn invisible, oh and be impervious to giant saws ... the worst...
not the one im making, its not going to breath fire, its only going to shoot it from its hands.
this has been done loads of times and usually the constent explosions make the maps laggy,
The Burninator
happy birthday
shouldnt this be lost woods?
sweet this wil be great in my upcoming map
sonic doesnt have yellow hair so you should have named it super saiyan instead
im confused sry but i dont understand what your going for here
hmm interesting map. usually i just play infection for custom games but i will DL nevertheless
ok, first off GREAT HOUSE. i wonder if it is victorian... anyway i have to ask this even though its probably been answered already. What is the...
Cool map, this reminds me of colossus from halo 2 for some reason
Awsome, finally a giant octogon of death, ive been waiting for this moment for a long time I DL'ed intantly
Awww i was totally going to make an office map with cubicles and all. good work anyway you got my DL its exatly how i would have made it exept you...
pretty cool map although i sugest more pics of it ... you hide its coolness with your absence of many pictures
to get my download you will need to show me some pictures of your map, i will not waste space if know what im downloading
sweet map i am utterly speechless instant DL
great map. i love infection if anyone shares my passion for infection add me I'll play anytime gamertag: BLAZING GEARs
im sorry but, this is very confusing
wow i must say i am utterly shocked that i did not think to make this btw great map