Ooh i like the idea of the two bases, most foundry maps nowadays are just one big room (no offense to the makers of those, as i have made one or...
this looks pretty well done ill get sum friends together and we will try it out. q'd for download 7/10 =)
wow this looks cool ive downloaded it... the moving train is really original
Looks real good fun, q'd for download, i like the idea of having things interfering with the game and the no honor rules system is good. 8/10...
nice interlocking, the pic that grabbed me the most was the chute, to me that just shows that you know what ur doing! i'd like to see whatthat...
oooh, looks aesthetic, i'd download it but my Q is full atm. Yellow beast is well better though! Good use of interlocking and looks like a fun...
Woooow, mega. Your geomerging is displayed excellently!! everything is covered in snows!! I especially like the sniper tower, looks awesome. Q'd...
First map or not, this is mega! I love the use of interlocking to create bunkers. I also like how you've geomerged and... well, what map would be...
oooh this looks fun to play with lots of people, i might download. I like the idea of blasting down the gates with huge blue fireballs of death!...
this map luks pretty dam good kinda reminds me of barts manor but has differences. q'd for download. 8/10
looks pretty good, q'd for download, like the idea u dnt no what is round the corner. Agree with morcam cud do with better over view of map =]
too many tags Lol K and thanks for checking it out
Gyrocontraption Gyrocontraption 1.2 Powered by MUPSI (Mike's Uberific Propulsion Systems Inc.). Download Map Download Gametype Description:...
I'm liking this! have to download it some time but my dl Q is full, but judgin from the pictures it looks great!
Ooh, from the pics it looks clean and well made, i like the use of interlocking to create the rooms and everything. from the pics i'd say its a...
hmm, this map looks like it has potential, but the sloppiness lets it down a bit. I know it was intentional, but it could have had more work to...
woops that went wrong :S
hey thats a pretty cool map kinda like the first race map i ever made but alot neater and cooler _______ _________ Rofl...
woah this looks nice, perfect interlocking and it looks cool, you got my download. looks awesome!! nice job
lol i always try to make messy maps that look like a tidy mess but you've cracked it! this is a perfectly tidy mess!! *jealous face*