Hmm, it is an average map i expected it to be more buildings and what look like actual structures probably fun to play on, but if you put a back...
ya, how would it work for infection id probably detail the map more and make it larger, or at least one large area with no weapons
not a bad map the basic idea, although not yours, is very good, buu lots of weapons looks fun i really dont know how well you did tho as i have...
great idea nice story behind it sounds awesome might be too hard for zombies, but im not sure awesome for first map
nieeeeeece map cant wait looks like amazing gameplay looks like so much fun nice gob merging good idea congrats
****I realize you said not to post**** i know i would hav 4got so i had 2 this post will help me remember but amazing merging, i love this map...
Nice, looks fun to play close qarters is always fun smooth merging were needed looks symmetrical boundry wall dont look that great overall good...
looks interesting good merging and layout looks fun 2 play ill dl it
ehh cant really tell much from the pics, so i have no idea of what the map is actually like put on an overview pic maze r kewl tho hope its kewl
looks pretty interesting cant tell until i play tho hope it is kewl from looks, no merging, but i really do not care deoends on gameplay, which...
nieeeeece map try to make it into swat, that would be awesome i voted good only bcuz i didnt dl it yet a+
look, all i am trying to say is that this map is just a protoype i want to see what people thought of it and see if it was worth cleaning up i...
eh, notin special machinimahs r kewl, but ur set aint ntin special but itz not my problem
lol balls o' fire lol
cool, but not playable
nice track not very great for racing tho pretty cool effects tho
oh, and the glitch items i hav them therre cuz u cant use them, so i just went ahead and made them a hiding area also something hidden that u...
i know how to merge, this is a basic, so if i remake, i will merge, and add more features go here and look at the pics of my race track, merged......
OK pics are up meant for them to be on, sorry bout the wait i know it is not amazing-looking, but all my friends love to play on it, so i figured...
ill have pics up 2morro night, i just cant get on x-box thll then i was planning on it, but i posted, and then couldnt get online oh, and idk...