Yeah, it has me in a bit of a connundrum though, I want to attract people to less used areas of the map to encourage varied gameplay, and my best...
I'm about to start Boarding action, now that I'm just waiting for testing on my first map.
Map for anyone who wants to check it out (with phased/fixed weapon spawns taken out):...
Lol, so true, I hate that thread
Sometimes things don't line up perfectly on the coordinate system (really wish there was 1/100 accuracy), and can be annoying, I'm assuming thats...
Umm, killballs are moveable, I've seen an escape map that has killballs flying across the path by mancannons, landing on a ramp, and going back...
What you can actually do is instead of going into each game type, which is very tedious, you can just go into general forge mode (i think thats...
The only things I was unhappy with forgeworld about, were the limits to two lights, the very small selection of items in the scenery category, and...
By placing the same exact things on both sides? What you can do I start off by making a base floor, and use the corners of the pieces you used...
Yeah, definitely a problem with the people, and sometimes the game. My first betrayal annoyance was when it was invasion on the spire, and I...
Can their be an overall winner for accuracy? Because in my remake, I intend on being as accurate as possible, trying to make as few changes as...
Thank you Wraith, great explanation. Bungie wasn't very clear with their forge tools, and sometimes the advanced setting can be a bit painful to...
Plus that score is not typical of the amount of credits you'd get at all, the 4800 credits is boosted by getting challenges completed, and some...
I'm currently in the finishing processes of building my first Reach map (spawns, weapons, objectives) and I was wondering about how the kill...
Looks awesome, I've gotta check this one out, neat use of asthetics on this one
Haven't really seen it yet, but from the screenshots it looks like you haven't included enough weapons for the size of the map, and there arent...
This may be hard, as it is the centerpoint of the map, and the point with the best view of the whole map, and its on your direct route to the flag...
Those man cannons are great now that I've looked at the map, lets you get out of there pretty quick with the flag, but not all the way there,...
I'll download and check it out tomorrow, but from what I'm seeing now, it looks like the mancannons take you all the way across the map, which...
I would suggest naming it something other than MLG team slayer, I believe that you're trying to get at a gametype that is tailored to a more...