Also, the testers guild will resume their testing on October 3rd, but its better not to put totally raw maps here, just ones worth of the guild's...
Thank you so much, this should defnitely be added to the tips 'n tricks. I'll be using this for my map, in the many multitude of places with fixed...
Definitely a new discovery, I'll look very well into this, and I'll post pictures of all the weapons if I can get it to work for myself. This...
First off, I realized i need to look more into the weapon placement, as I just found out about the fixed weapon glitch (where when you drop/die...
Possibly set the game time limit to lower? Like time a pretty average run to the finish, and set that to the time, possibly adding a bit, also...
Can you or anyone clarify, what if I want the object to look a certain way (like flat against a wall) because the way you seem to be saying this...
Yeah, but I'm mostly only online (on xbox) on wierd hours, weekdays from 10am-5pm EST, although I am online at other hours sometimes
What its meaning is to not link to the full file share, where it has all your slots, but to put a link directly to your map/gametype, which in...
TBH= to be honest I'll take a look at it when I get on tomorrow, wont be able to playtest though, don't have a good group of custom friends yet
Since map packs are usually released with 3-4 maps, I would love to see these 3 maps released: Sidewinder: My favorite Halo CE map, and it can't...
I'm 90% sure on this solution. What you need to do is essentially the same thing you did in Halo 3 with the fusion coil minefields. You have a...
TBH from first glance looks a bit rough, it should be polished up quite a bit, especially before you offically release it.
I agree with hemmorage not translating well to reach, I mean I still love it, because its such a classic for halo (although I LOVED sidewinder...
I hate the AR, that is one of my three only gripes, the others being that if a melee can't kill someone with even 1% shields, shouldn't the same...
Yeah, I think most lights have a proximity thing set to them, I've seen it many times in vids where you'll be walking down a hallway, and the...
Defnitely oversaturation doesnt help with getting your map noticed, one thing that just might help you out is if you put your maps in your...
@cart0graph, so true @tyler 8 a baby, Well its the new melee system, and it applies to ALL players, so you've probably been able to sneak in a...
Yeah I hate how they're glitched, its so annoying (although the only weapons that affect anything are the swords, and I can move those to the...