Because when I go solo, I expect to be matched against other solos, not a team of people out wrecking, and the preferences dont do crap, I have...
And shotgun, unless a Red sprints to it.
I'd assume tier 3 might be for alpha zombie or something of that sort?
Because if you could do search for games of a certain country, people would choose some country as a boosting country.
The single change that I believe would make armor lock both more realistic and balanced, is one of two options. As a base, when you go into armor...
I mean at least a party of 6 vs 2 parties of 3 or something, not 6 freelancers (plus 5 of the 6 were Lt. Col. against a bunch of captains and a major)
I've never seen it where an enemy team can score during this period, that may be because of your connection. Whenever I get a connecting to host...
I love reach, and I love matchmaking, but one thing that really gets me, is when you go in solo, and get matched with 5 other solos in invasion,...
Why do people continue to complain about forgeworld's size? I mean if you used the whole thing, then your map is too huge and it will take 5...
Tips for legendary solo, and really campaign in general (sorry it's so long, but yeah they all help): When playing through legendary on solo,...
Cold storage was a single map, and I believe it was a special event marking the 7 year aniversarhy of halo, so its not gonna happen again
I've heard that there are issues with the soccer ball, and that a golf ball plays better, but I can't confirm that.
Have you tried using this?
Lol @ Bungie releasing a free DLC. Not gonna happen. Plus we don't need a big grassy area for forgeworld, I would much rather prefer a snow...
You have to have a haven, even if you're not playing a safe havens variant, Bungie is just wierd that way.
There actually may be a way to do this, although I haven't done it at all, so... Say your floor is a grid, make sure there are no other grids...
Its actually a glitch I've experienced and have seen another person experience. In my case I was actually making a map on sword base, but when I...
In my opinion what they need is a multi-disc pack that include all the campaigns redone so they have the same style (dual wielding and weapon...
Sweet, although I'm going to do a project based off of this, I think I will try not for a recreation, but try to improve upon the way the gameplay...
I don't think this is possible, but it reminds me of a Halo 3 tournamen map that I played, where there were 4 sections, 2 people spawned in each,...