You're probably more than that, thats probably the amount of credits you have available to spend. Plus would you really want anyone to be able to...
What he said, because bungie said is was just too much programming time for what it was worth, I mean how many times do people need to view a film...
Ummm, Reach. You obviously were expecting a 100% perfect game, which will never happen, you see small problems and call Reach a disappointment? If...
Yeah, that looks pretty cool, lol just looked mine up, have exactly 4,000 MP kills.
Sweet, I wish I had known this when I was doing my solo legendary run (I got past the hunters by saving a rocket launcher and a sniper)
I like many others, will most likely end up buying the map pack, but I am extrememly pissed as it is pretty obvious that these maps were meant to...
There is no difference that I'm aware of, since 95% of your credits are based off of commendations, although game complete credits may be...
Well what they were referring to is that the file would stay up, even if no-one copied it, which is not how its supposed to work.
I'd definitely say its overpowered, it can 1 hit (almost) anything, with VERY little chance to dodge, and is difficult to destroy, even on paradisio.
Just as I finish 1000 Gamerscore, they offically announce 250 more.
Yes, because for a second person to log in, it has to relog the first, so you get signed out for a second.
I got, An Elegant Weapon first, I think in gruntpocalpyse which I tried out for fun when I first popped in the disc, and I'm just about to finish...
Betrayal system is kinda random in my opinion. Side note: Has Bungie officially announced that they have released the new betrayal system? I've...
Yeah, hemorrhage shottys are wierd, imo, they should be moved back to H1 spawns, and a banshee should be put in its correct spot, make it a true...
I really don't care how it (supposedly?) worked in H3, thats not how its SUPPPOSED to work, its supposed to work, if its in your fileshare, people...
Then you must play against some fail people, I mean you can stay alive as long as in a scorpion, but you can't kill people as much because the...
Why should it be usefull over a melee? I mean being usefull against nades/vehicles would make armor lock evenly balanced with all other abilities,...
Two things to make armor lock balanced 1) sheild recharge wait is reset (or at least paused) 2) you can be assasinated right after coming out...
I actually prefer multiplayer matchmaking over corvetter/beachead/oter, because you actually have fun!
These guy were actually one of the few legit Lt. colonels, they didn't credit farm, they just played a ton of matchmaking, they had no higher than...