It isn't you. I can't see anything for the post except *EDIT* which I'm confused about.
Where you from? I was in FRC in '07 (Freshman year) in Elk Grove,CA. Our team got raped since we ****ed up at the start >.> Davis = crap for us......
Another great map from Blaze. Ya know, I agree that these maps should be featured since the community seems to go crazy about every new release...
Nice map, especially with the interlocking and geo-merging. The name of the map though, is misleading. When you said Fortress Defense, I was...
The font changed when I was adding the weapons/vehicles to the list. It's fine now. Thanks for the comments guys.
Yea I'm doing that right now. I didn't have enough time on the 360 to get all the weapons and such.
Rescue: Created by Irc WindDragon I'd like to point out that this is my first competitive map, so there will probably be things that don't seem...
Lulz! Get on noob
It looks like a Longsword :) Good job either way.
Looks good. 4/5
Ya. Maybe add some scenery around it?
Good job making the houses. The interlocking looks clean, but the middle does look open. Maybe add a few things between the base and the houses...
I'm sorry, but even with the FXes, it doesn't seem very balanced with the floating base and having a needler, sniper rifle and shotgun in the same...
From the only picture you have, it looks okay... I'd suggest taking 3 or 4 more pictures, making a gametype (this is after all, for competitive...
First off, please use grammar. It makes your posts look professional and makes it seem like you care. Second, pictures are to small so could you...
This looks pretty well made. May not be the most original, but it sure is well thought out. I like these types of maps, they just play very well...
I have a few chars, but I don't play WoW much anymore. I'll go hardcore once WoTLK comes out. I have a 70 dwarf hunter, 65 human paladin, 42 human...
I like the idea, it is a unique concept. Makes people think on where to move over and over instead of the same thing. 4/5 for originality.
It may be a construction site, but you don't see the every day constructors making their buildings sloppy. I'd suggest making a v2 with everything...
This too is sweet. 4.5/5 for originality.