map not up to FH standards click link in mai sig
looks alot better that before. good job. amazing interlocking, is everything smooth???
looks good. I'll dl and check it out
looks good. nice, clean interlocking and geomerging
this looks a little too much like Matty's map
pics are not working. click the link in my sig
click the link in my sig
oh. . . all you need is some practice with it and eventually you will get better at it and then you can start making some real good maps.
This map would have potetial but once again. . . you need to make a V2 interlock everthing, maybe try geomerging some stuff. you never know what...
It doesn't look fun thats why no one else did it. but o well
looks cool even tho u spawn in the shields and get pushed out by gravs I still think spawn killing could be an issue. I think you should make a...
wow very nice and original. very nice design
wow. Me likey. looks great5/5
This is not all that great, anyone could do this, and don't rate you own map
looks like a map that would be fun to play. original in some parts 5/5
I think this is a very well made and thought out map. You got my download
One thing I think you should have changed about this is that instead of having the zombies able to just run around, you should have made it to...
This looks like a good map to do machinima on.
I don't know but this doesn't look like fun. . .
wow Devinish, you are absolutly amazing.