hmmm. . . i like even though it looks i haven't been here long i have as you can tell this is one of the better maps i've seen here i love the...
looks like it is a tad empty and 2 of the pics aren't working so i can't really get a good feel of the map but the parts i can see looks pretty...
hmmm. . . moveable merging. . . interesting pm me what this means. but anyhow looks great very good 4/5
wow looks great Chipsinabag doesn't look bad anywhere 5/5
i know its funny its just "sad" that . . . nevermind i give up
wow thats pretty sad
wow man this is absolutly amazing!!! my favorite challenge is the ball challenge. looks good and nothing wrong. cant wait for the next one!!! 5/5...
this looks good could use some interlocking to make it cleaner but otherwise its good.
wow this map looks great 5/5 and a dl
looks very good 4/5 This is classed as Spam. Infraction given.
You fail. . . I mean you ROCK!!!!!!! lol
wow this is a very nice map. 5/5
umm... what to say... looks kinda like there is an opening in the wall in pic 1 and that you can grenade jump out.
THank again for the sig man its just what I wanted
This absolutly, would be the one I would want to have in Halo 3. Would be insane on Standoff, if it were to come into Halo, Standoff would become...
shedo its "shock" spelled differently "chock" "shock". . . lol
looks good and clean but its kinda too open. might be too easy to get pwnd
i agree with everyone else. i will look forward to a v2 with more stuff.
this kinda looks fun to play. but might get kinda old after awhile, other than that it cool. 3/5
These are some very nice maps. all nicely interlocked. can't tell if there is any geo-merging but doesn't reall matter. could use some cleaning up...