It definetly looks interesting, but could you possibly edit your post to contain a little, shall we say, "meat"? People like me want to know about...
Very nice indeed. :)
You have a point. When we played, there were no glitches, BUT whenever we flipped the vehicle would simply litter the field. Eventually vehicles...
Si Senor, they are one and the same, though I wish I could change both of them now.
If you want to play test REALLY badly, I would suggest searching for big team battle and backing out right before the last person joins in. It's a...
Wow! This game looks fantastic! You really must have spent a long time figuring out all this stuff! If this goes over well when I play it, it may...
Can't wait to try out the map, but could you fix the map link :p? Pretty please?
Hey, I love to play halo competitively, and have always wanted to play MLG well. Unfortunately, I have no teamates :( . So I'm looking for...
This is how To embed a clip, right click on the actual video in youtube, and select "copy embed html" and paste said html in whatever post you...
This looks very fun and entertaining! The only suggestion I have is to turn off bottomless clip. Spamming the pro pipe can be frustrating and...
This game looks fairly fun, and the aesthetics look nice, but I want to leave 3 things. 1: No offense, but frankly, this looks like nothing more...
Granted, it is similar, but, this game has nothing to with EMP's. However, this late into reach's life, there should be very little that hasn't...
Well, I don't have any shots to post yet, and i probably won't. I guess this thread is going down... Edited by merge: YES! Fixed :3 sry for so...
Well shucks. How about I get that fixed asap then, eh? Just do me a favor and download it anyway.
I'm not much of a forger, to be quite honest, I just play custom games :p. But I had an idea and for once, <.<; I made it happen. Hope you have...