Well, I was about to say I had a grifball style map laying around somewhere, but I can edit it for machinima, probably. Also, I pm'ed you at one...
Welcome, bro! Hope you have a great experience here, but remember that the cookies are a lie...
This looks pretty nifty, and it's been a few days since a good infection map came out. I'll have to try it out. PS:(You spelled extinction like...
A lot of these are pretty epic bro. Keep it up!
I like this! It definetly takes what uncaged has, and puts it to the extreme. The separation of levels and multiple routes through them would...
Wow! This looks fantastic! Its a really nice coaster that isn't too hard to drive through. The only issues I have with it are the two turns; the...
If there is fighting on the platforms, make sure that the players have some sort of cover to dive to.
Hey, you may have noticed I'm hosting my first TGIF this week, and I want to ask, if our party doesn't go over too well, if I could merge my lobby...
Ah ok I did not see the sniper. Thats actually clever thinking!
After watching the video, it looks like a neat casual slayer map to goof off on! However, the thing that throws me off is the lower walkway. It...
You know what would be really crazy? Random weapons. In a minigame like this, it only makes more sense than it doesn't. Because it should and it...
Splatterman, that is very creepy. Not because of the actual armor, but because mine is almost exactly the same. [IMG]
My bad. I based that off of loose memory XD. The threads should help you though, should you decide to make it battle tracks compatible.
Someday..... someday..... *sheds a tear*
SING IT AVICCI! Err... anyways... the map looks fantastic and a lot of fun to race on. As for battle tracks, all you really need to do is make a...
Psst, this should be labeled as "puzzle". :) Other than that it looks pretty solid, I will give it a go as soon as I get on my Xbox. Great Job!
I have to agree. Without differing forge peices, a newcomer might get confused and/or disoriented. It could be just me, but I use things like that...
Wow, a firefight style map? I haven't seen something like this before! I'll be sure to try it out at some point. Otherwise, great job!
Looks pretty nice, I'll have to try it out sometime when I have I full lobby. By the way, the download link goes to your stats. Might wanna fix that.
My worst would probably have to be when I played I game of grifball with a friend, and out of all the players on the playlist we ran into the 6...