Doomsday [IMG]
Hmm... I think that person was tripping on acid, not weed.
It is kinda bland but kudos for posting something not staged.
Yeah, thats what gave it away.
You splattered someone???
Headshotzz?!!?! srsly what is happening in it? I think it looks pretty cool
They're all kinda average. Monitors is cool and so is the first one. 3/5
Has anybody seen A Clockwork Orange? A great movie, I highly recommend it.
I've seen a lot of screenshots like this but this is one of the better ones i've seen.
Way off topic.
oh hi!
Well if someone had lung cancer I think smoking something would be the last thing on their mind, ya know?
Thanks for the feedback!
I like it. It looks like the jackal is freaking out because its got a gun in its face. As for the title, I don't think its that bad, but it could...
It would probably have the same age limit as alcohol.
What are your favorite movies to watch when you toke up? Mine would have to be anything from "the Dead" series. Cheech & Chong's Up in Smoke...
I don't think i've ever seen a screenshot like this before. Good job!
I skipped school on 4/20 Smoked out of a vaporizer Tried to roll a J' (i suck) Smoked out of a gravity Went home Failed a drug test Got myself...
No name"][IMG] Call to Arms...
ohhh ok Well thats kinda common sense If it is ever legalized then there would be certain places to smoke it at. Perhaps a bar maybe or some other...