Well I my self are good at forging however I do have a problem. If I am having a hard time with any part of my map I tend to save the map quit and...
i just saw the search feature after i posted that, the ODST slayer is old but could be brought back. That paint ball map looked too big im...
I would think that at some point some one has done a paint ball map. however I haven't seen one recently and was thinking i should try to make one...
its funny that some one would do this i am in the process of testing a map called the attack of the flus where the white blood cells try to defend...
srry about that i wasnt sure what to do... the map is a bit diferent than the original though
THE DEFENSE OF THE DISABLED v2 Made By WtF iTz d3rF INTRO Ok so with the comments on the older version I was told to fix the pics and such, so I...
ok srry guys i will resize the pics thanks but ill do it tomarrow
(i hope i spelled this title right) THE DEFENSE OF THE DISABLED ok so this is my first map post so dont expect a great one and im terrible...
sounds like a realy cool idea you will have to spend alot of time exploring the city in the night campain though, you should make the data hive in...
absoulutely sweet will dl and finally some else who thinks kashmir is a good song
are we allowed to use wepon holers aside from our one other object(for asthenic use ie. putting wepons on walls
Shaddo could you maybe show me how to do these superlong uber smooth banks, i was the one who entered sandstorm in the halo tracks contest
this looks absolutely hilarious 5/5
OMG the slide show was so slow it made me want to punch a baby however thats a great idea for a map i dint get to see if there was a man canon...
dude that looks like an awsome map, have you ever tried to join halo tracks
Dude i just made an account like 5 minutes ago, so how do you post a map? sorry to change the discussion Also you could try to make a race track