put some pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no he is lucys gardian not from rvb
oh i didnt know what stce was
try to make the door bigger so u can get a hornet or banshee in 4/5
were in chicago do u live?
i want ur sig
make in side bigger
u from chicago
there is not much else on the map
dude make 2 right next to each other so u can get a warthog across that would be awesome
hi my self
this is realy cool 5/5
not makin hostiles but your full of ****
yes u can
i sent you a friend request on myspace
my jaws were on the floor when i was looking at the pics omg 20/10
yea it needs some work [witch im doing]
whats up man its abomina
u said you will make hotel zanzibar 2