Sorry I had to leave in the middle of 2v2 testing, but I really do like this map. First game I played on it wasn't that fun because the spawning...
Holy ****, I was just on halomaps.org looking for some maps to play with my friends and I saw this and thought about forging it. I guess some...
****ing Skrillex... Anyway, I do like it, I see pieces that I would of never thought about using, like the glass sails for railings, and the...
Either I've seen this, or basket just loves forging with blue or purple and his damn covi crates.
Cool **** Zeeb, I can't talk anything about it not being the greatest, but the only problem that bothered me was it being a little dark. I liked...
Kinda silly for this, but I voted anyway
I guess I'm a tryhard, cause I pace all the ****ing time, but I do often lose DMR battles, it shows in my KD only +1600, all I play is Rumble Pit....
Haha, it's just one room, nowhere near complete, but alright.
that's the real reason I made this thread xD
And I wondered why I died all the time, I either paced all my shots, or I spammed all the shots. With pacing, it works most of the time, but...
I actually really liked this map, its interesting looking around and seeing new pieces, the layout is simple and it works. When I played this in...
Prison is just a place LOL
Turned 17 this May.
In a way a poll, I want to see if players spam their shots or pace each shot. I've had this discussion with friends they said when spamming, most...
I just want you to check out my map, before I delete it for feedback if I should continue it.
They aren't bad, but everyone has an opinion.
I really wish I was around in Halo 2 glory days, I joined Halo PC when 3 came out.. But I've seen other versions of this, used the same pieces,...
Could I ever get an invite and check it out?
did you finish camp foreveralone?