Waitwut, you can cancel assassinations ?
I remember seeing this on youtube. So many dislikes for the creepyness lol
It's called Gotcha, then if you could upload it to my youtube, i can message u info. thanks mann
I suppose this has no comments because people are lazy to click play, I thought the title would be just a good game of Armor Walkers. I wish...
I would greatly appreciate it.
Hi youre cool, add me on LIVE? Shikarex
Fail shot is win
This is like making a thread telling people theres a jackpot every weekend.
Reminds me of something SaltyKoalaBear would forge, just cause of the wall colliseum pits. Looks cool man, send me an invite when you're going to...
Do you guys think there will be a couple Title Updates until Halo 4 is actually good? I think pressing right on the dpad ordinance for overshield...
Iknow, a week? It feels like months lol.. and cause I came home with a hickey from my gf when they told me to look for jos. Idk if ill ever like...
Cause you seem like a cool guy on teh forum.
Spyro and Halo PC
Hi, I noticed you like KSI, I too like Killswitch.
So dumb idea, that's a yes?
So.. anyone who preordered Halo 4 (not Special Edition) won't get **** for armor,skins or maps? Cause being a Halofag as I am, my parents asked me...
Too bad only one person can play on it.. ;)
In the mid-bottom left in the first picture, I see a bit from the map "Pulse" in MM. I assume there is framerate due to all the window covers and...
I like Atreyu, attack attack I liked one song, but if you really think about it, they do suck. I don't hate on bands, except for the prissy emo...