Shikarex, recongize it?
Ohi mingo, nice meeting you yesterday and all that jazz
I think I played you in rumble pit..maybe
no, I didn't start work. the system is ****ing up my application over and over. I will start soon, but I owe my mom 500 dollars for my phone bill...
Is your gt infinite 000 or something?
This isn't my computer to be installing stuff on, idk if it's too personal but what about facebook chat?
Sounds like some Harry Potter ****
It said in Forge lobby, so it had to be you, but I'll put it on my file share tonight for you to check it out.
You obviously don't ninja often then? Cool video though, I hate risking those type of jumps, knowing my luck when I try to be all Salaya like I...
I invited you this morning to see my Infection map, well incomplete just to show you the concept but you ignored me .. ):
This is an incomplete map TheBerb, and I where forging a while ago but just forgot about it. The whole idea is to have a lot of forerunner-like...
Speaking of the new FS, you think they will have where you can watch your clips online for free, or am I just being silly?
I don't think anyone commented because they didn't know what to say for this map, but it looks interesting. I can get a little bit of the layout...
What if someway the moles could snipe back at the attackers. But snipe a mine for points, so the attackers would be invincible. I don;t know, but...
oracle oracle/scopless
The Yellow Basin area really got my attention, I'm giving it a download for FFA gameplay, I'll most likely be back with feedback ;) EDIT>> I... Not that much of a fan on H4follower, hes late on...
Ok, I'm back with a bit of feedback. The map is really fun, theres a little bit of FRL in the middle, but not so much to be a problem. I like the...
Hey, todays my very happy unbirthday! Looks cool, I can def see the cake, and the chairs. Looks really cool, yet a bit bland.