It's not that complicated... especially if you've worked with weight in bud.
You guys really want your map at the top of the maps section? Well, here's one more bump, but this is the very last time it will be bumped due to...
I just watched that... You sir, have just created the single most awesome map in Halo. You'll be receiving plenty of downloads for that map, I'm...
I'm on a computer, which lacks the ability to view videos fluently... I would rather not attempt to even hit up, either. It's always a...
done. like i said, tho, think twice b4 posting.
Third Person?! Weird... I want to start playing now, but I have priorities to address. Adios.
OMFG a new RF?!!??!? ...I just got chills...
No idea wtf ur talking about.
Wassup dude
Yeah... I'm gunna need you to go ahead, and pack your things. We're going to have you move to the basement, next to the furnace.
Women Drama Rain Slightly hungover Frolf. Frolf, so far, is the only thing today, that has pleased me.
I'm in the drunkbox
I see... Interesting...
=] thnx & fosho!
I've got to go now... Other wise I would definitely be reading that, you sold me with the whole "IT IS SO WORTH IT >:| " thing
I've had several, but TxsOutlaw003 is my gt that I've gone by for years now... I just need to get xbox live, and I should be on more often, but my...
<3 ...once more... <3
I just know how proud you are, of your country which limits internet usage.
Locked before Ivory could post. And for obvious other reasons.
"I'm eating your brains like an undead warrior" ...sorry, i thoroughly enjoyed that part, and ****ing doesn't replace undead, maybe it precedes...