soul searching?
*sigh* Way too easy...
That's old school right ther.
This is a relatively, obviously, one-sided debate...where the imperial system is just getting its ass kicked. Though, in its defense, I'll say...
Disappointing thread is disappointing.....
perfect world was pretty decent... but all time favorite has to be helbreath.
omfg win. +rep, sir. +rep.
Seeing how some people can't even remember to wipe their own ass, do you honestly think they will be able to remember 1 ounce = 28 grams?
You people can/will complain about anything... I swear...
$199.99...for the umpteenth time.
You had nothing to do with anything, I was staying on par to this post: So chill, hombre.
They say ignorance is bliss Nitrous, though, in this debate, I think ignorance is the torch fallen in dry grass.
Only because xbox = Microsoft, one of the biggest corporations in the world... All they'll do is slap a different name on the product Neurosky...
Further from hands on gaming, yes, but without the words "hands on" your statement makes little sense... Unless you can elaborate that statement...
How hard is it to concentrate while playing a game of Halo, CoD, or even Banjo Kazooie? I personally have a harder time concentrating on the...
Nintendo and Neurosky are in no relation. Neurosky would rape Nintendo if they hit big. Also, I believe the marketable product is $199. Same as...
Neurosky is a company which has been working on the ability to read the human brain, translate what it is thinking, and integrate it into...
G-Speak. The movie Minority Report brought to life. (Video) Minority Report, brought to reality.
Meh, it's just pointing out how sarcasm can truly be offensive to some, even though it's meant as a joke. Like I said, can't really think of a...
I agree whole-heartedly. People shouldn't be restricted in terms of comedy, although, some things really do cross the line. Satire & sarcasm make...