this sounds good Thank you for your comment
what do you mean
de behr has been a teammate from FORGING2PERFEKTION I thank you for your great comment
I once rebuilt guardian There are almost all jumps included GuardianEdge is perfectly playable weapons layout has remained the same as on the old...
I agree you'd have to build the map covered by
I do not understand how one builds a large mite that's really not a guardian sorry if I must say that
thank mocca and this is the new variant
Please hir people, the new map which is 6.4 epik
Thank you for your answer But now it comes out soon, v6 which is better developed and you have more options come in with topmit on weekends they...
I thank you for your kind feedback and much success with the 2x2 blocks
how do you mean by fake I represent only my opinion and built my map but thank you you made the effort
yes, I do not know whether the map is good for ffa
I know you think the map is too small but it is big enough to play team
Thank you for your great feedback I think it's good that you've played the map
yes I've been very careful that the map defines I've used it very long 2 months and I have built several times
at least you know to appreciate my stuff
try them and you will change your opinion or not so thank you for your feedback Edited by merge: Although everything is weird but works
This map has to be a mlg map I have something else built it is to play optiema. just what to say if you played on it Thank you for your verdict...
The map looks small from it is not but you MuSt times they test is to play very well Edited by merge: the map is something different with the...
update MLG splashes v7 [IMG] Currently Splashes is my best MLG map and due to that I present it here in the MLG forum. I spend much time on this...