I really wish this hadn't been released yet- I saw so much room for improvement while playing on this map. There are some issues with this map...
Yes, sir. If this guy is confusing frame drops with disco-ing, this information would probably benefit him greatly. Quit trying to backseat moderate.
I've had pieces disappear on me, taking their precious budget cost with them. It happened to one of my brace larges after I saved the map (as...
I'll take your word on the lack of any frame rate issues, but I would like to let you know for future projects that, regardless of the direction a...
I disagree with this statement. I can see a lot of objects that could cause frame drops, such as the bridge, xl on bottom, the railings, the...
The real problem is that many maps posted to the competitive section aren't actually competitive in nature. Certain design elements are required...
Really, every competitive map can be considered MLG if it has the correct weapon set-up and uses the official MLG game-type. I suppose another...
Experienced* -- So you basically want someone to do the grunt work for you after you're done building your map? There's a stickied topic in this...
Goddamn it Eightball, read the last few posts.
Forerunner mechs that would be like the Silverbacks from GoW, but larger, and instead of firing chain guns, they'd fire energy beams (and...
Bummer, I hadn't realized how the size gap those pieces create when placed like that is kinda ****ed. Oh well, could be worse. Quick question...
I'm planning on finding ways to get some pieces, especially walls, back for a layout change I'd like to make, so the coliseum walls currently...
Basis has undergone some major changes since the last time this thread was updated. Hell, it didn't even have a name! I think it's nearly ready...
[IMG] Look at that wall o' text! On topic: The reason that people complain about long sight-lines is that, if not properly implemented and...
I really want to check out this map and it's shield-door bridge gimmick. Sounds like fun. The map appears to have some nice dance-floor...
I played this map right around the time of its release and, like everyone else, found the aesthetics to be amazing. Besides the windows, I...
They better not plan on replacing the nade launcher with whatever it is. It's the best thing that ever happened to Halo's weapon set.
I just watched the trailer again and it sure looks like the magnum with a nade attached to the barrel. If you pause it at 1:07 you'll see it's...
You've done an excellent job here of fixing Asylum's numerous issues. Unfortunately, nothing will ever make me like the design of this particular...
After watching the Halo 4 trailer and seeing the MC attached a grenade to his pistol in order to blow open an escape route, I realized just how...