That first picture really caught my attention. I like that you are trying to accomplish something different here with the liberal use of small...
I didn't particularly like playing to 75 kills, so going back to 50 is fine by me. I don't see why they couldn't just take Squad Slayer down to...
So what's the deal with BTB now? It says I don't have the required maps, which is bullshit. Are they really going to only let players with the DLC...
My problem is that you make aesthetic maps and post them in competitive. Slapping spawns and weapons onto what is clearly an aesthetics first,...
Ah, I didn't realize it was in combat.
Is it really necessary to reply to each and every post individually to keep your thread bumped instead of waiting a while and multi-quoting? I...
May I ask what you were doing so far back in the Forge Discussion forum? This is quite the necro-bump.
What's wrong with almost always spawning with a teammate? Sounds desirable to me.
I know a lot of my CoD friends (who used to be die-hard Halo fans, but began switching after MW was released and were fully converted by BlOps)...
Having texture on your map is great, but not when it's just a bunch of pieces crammed together and frankly, your map looks ugly because of it. I...
I, too, would like to know this. I'm curious if Amatesaru (sp?) got in. Best heavy map I played on for sure.
I'm down, but it might be a couple days before I have time to Forge again. The concept is meant to be used a basic starting point and altered...
I heard you have forge block, so I drew you a map:
I went into Forge with him and it appears that it isn't just the tower causing the issue. It's the fact that, from many angles, you can see large...
Okay, so I took a look at your video and I can see quite a few flaws in the design of your map. First, you've used a large amount of unnecessary...
I was always a fan of this map since its first iteration, but in comparison to where it stands now, that old version is damn broken. Encounters...
The light has been removed- I was only using it to see if I could get lucky and have it work out. It didn't. Anyways, the thread has been updated...
Sniping above a 7 sounds painfully hard.
Is it wrong that he plagiarized part of another person's map? Yes. Was Redemption the first person ever to think of using 1-way shields as a lava...
Style, sight-lines, no gimmicks, competitive? If you couldn't tell whether or not you'd like a map from the pictures (or at least be interested),...