Halo Reach's Gravity Hammer. ****'s got mini-jets on it.
Trust me, they can be buttholes about it. I asked in the chatbox once and everyone jumped on me. I recall an analogy being made along the lines...
Good thing you weren't one of them, eh?
The skybox is great if you're going for a CE kinda feel, but the washed out lighting is a bit much for me. I think this topic has officially...
I like some of the aesthetics you've got here, namely the small circular inclines coupled with the brace, tunnels. The layout, while not entirely...
A lot of Forgers I know like building on or near the sandbar connecting the island to the cave. There's some nice, mostly consistent lighting...
Apologies, I took that to mean you also thought Affinity was the least "blocky" of the maps since the blockiness of Precipice was one of the...
Hold your horses, brah. He said March 31st would be when the winner was announced and that any sooner was very unlikely.
I always got the impression right from the get-go that Precipice is supposed to be a bunch of office buildings with streets running between them...
That's too bad...Precipice is a pretty great asym. I imagine the playspace to be a business park with the 4x4 talls being office buildings. Out of...
You can still have narrow connections to larger playspaces, just don't flood your map with them. Lockout had narrow pathways all over the place,...
I wish there was a motion tracker setting that was similar to CoD's, where you are only visible on radar while firing your weapon and a few...
Having radar in a 1v1 makes the entire "seek and destroy" game-play non-existent. When I play a 1v1, I like that feeling of dread that your...
Since sniper is now where camo is, is it safe to assume you just swapped them and camo is now where sniper was? I like the sniper being moved to...
Damn, Xzamples. You haven't been wasting any time pushing out maps these last couple weeks. That fact that your maps are solid without needing...
Cleanse: Removes all armor abilities from all players, including itself, for the rest of the game. Every player gets a 25% boost in speed and 10%...
I wish they'd at least named the pre-TU playlist something like, "Old School Slayer," and given the default "Team Slayer," to the TU game-types....
This was pretty fun the last time I played, though it needed some tweaks here and there. I'm sure you've addressed some of the problems (Banshee's...
Refuge, by Overdoziz Worthy, by Xzamples
First of all, I used to go by the name "Frozenlynx" from the day Halo: Reach came out and had posted several maps, most of which were admittedly...