Hey! Seeing the good reception my other screenshots got, I had a look around in my gallery for other good ones. Here I present two of my old...
Yeah, same. :P Thanks a lot man! I've got more to post so hopefully they'll do well also. ;D Thanks, the dirt does make the picture so much...
No thanks, I don't like playing modded stuff :P So is every screenshot with this effect modded or is there another way?
Haha, I like it! The effect is cool and the monitor definately looks overwhelmed. How did you make the effect? I've seen it before but have never...
Thanks, yeah the dirt does add a lot to it ;D Yes it is a hornet, I have another version of that picture, but I thought that one was better,...
Here's my entry for the 'Warthog' theme: [IMG]
Thanks, I'm glad my screenshots are getting a good reception :D The hog one was done with a frag grenade and a power slide.
Thank you! The warthog one was done from inside a frag grenade while the hog was doing a power slide and yeah you can copy the idea, as long as...
Hey all, these are my first two posted screenshots so I hope you like them and any advice would be great. Warthog I made this one a while ago...
That's unfortunate that you hit the budget limit, because there are quite a few things that need fixing. And the maze, I got through in about five...
You've really outdone yourself here on this map. When playing some 1 on 1s with you the atmosphere of the map was great and there were practically...
Thanks for the comments. The openness seems to be an issue with everyone; I tried to make it so the ghost had enough room to manuvere (sp?) easily...
Oh yeah, forgot about that. My bad. So yeah, just geomerge and interlock all the items to be perfectly smooth and this'll be a nice canvas.
It would really make your post more readable if every frickin' word wasn't a different colour. As for the canvas yeah, you need to do some more...
Looks like a solid remake and looks pretty accurate too. An idea of the weapons would be good as well. I can see from just the screenshots that...
Sounds like a great idea so long as the map lives up to it. I would agree though, not two tanks, but, say, a tank and a warthog would be good. Two...
I read the thread and thought it an an absolutely genius idea, so I downloaded it to see if it really worked. I only got to play a 2 v 2 (which...
Just played this puzzle map and to tell the truth I'm a bit confused. Firstly, I managed to simply walk straight through the Hallway o' Death...
Lol, my IRL name is Dom too :P
I foundz it! [IMG] But I can't connect to live atm so I can't give a screenshot, someone else can do it :)