Yeah, I'd bet it'd be out around 9CST. Though let's hope sooner
[IMG] Cred to halogaf for the screencap
Adding the helmets in was a pretty recent addition. They wanted "folks to get as much as possible."
Actually you get the scanner and strider helmets too.
Map packs already detailed.
So I found a video of Extraction. I can't post it because it's leaked, but if you want to watch it, it's on Dailymotion uploaded by a guy named...
Yeah I can't say I'm disappointed with the removal of campaign scoring; I don't think I ever used it except for the Halo 3 achievements that...
Scratch that playlist comment. He was kidding.
Playlists aren't final.
Yep, it's called slayer pro. It'll be a playlist at launch with mostly traditional Halo settings.
CoD 2 was my favorite and first CoD. I actually think it was my first 360 game, and I played the hell out of it.
Grats on Green, Duck.
Probably. I'd say it'll be the DMR if I were to guess. However, the Carbine looks like my favorite so far, but of course I'll have to get my hands...
No I saw it awhile ago. It was "officially" released today, however.
I think it looks like the best map in the game.
Good to hear :P
ur sig is awesome
Halo 4 | Infinity Multiplayer - YouTube