Halo 4 Complex Glitch Spot Oddball. Please fix it 343! - YouTube
Maybe it's only in forge mode? Try it out in a custom.
You didn't like it?
^There arent skulls to find, just terminals.
I have yet to play exile very much, but from what I see it looks like it has enough room for the hog, not sure about the banshee.
So what are everyone's favorite maps? Mine: Abandon, Haven, Meltdown.
Surprisingly, no.
@Gorilla, I can't see it getting nerfed. The SAW is way stronger.
Pretty Cool
So yeah this game is good. Better than Reach for sure. However, the one thing Reach has over H4 is the menu. It just doesn't feel right.
I hate complex, and I wish the BR was a little better. My only complaints.
I have school.
~24 hours until I finally get to play this ****. So hyped.
You stole The Pib's idea :( Probably should have asked for permission from him.
I'd love to hear your impressions, TSB.
Yeah, agreed. When I read the part about including iron sights, I ****ing cringed. And they gave mw3 like a 9
Halo 4 Competitive Skill Rank Announcement
...but the problem with CTF is auto-pickup, not the flagnum.
Supposedly later tonight. Not sure why they pushed it over another day, but whatever.