Good point. It really depends on the map and how you restrict the scorpion's movement, because if it is scorpion vs mantis with no other...
This is an insane improvement from your first map that you previewed, so nice job. I'll be interested to see if you pulled off a good balance...
Very nice and original idea for a contest. However, I feel like judging all of these designs will be seriously tough as you won't fully know how...
Very nice job on this. I'm not a huge Prisoner fan, but damn I want to try this out.
Well you said it had tolerable frame rate, not horrible like TSB mentioned. Too bad there is so much lag, as this map truly is spot on.
I'd be willing to partner up, but I'm afraid the gametype that I'm working on is a pretty radical evolution of the original conquest. I wanted...
Really odd that you posted this...I've been working on a Dominion/Conquest spinoff for quite some time now.
Eh, I'm more of a carbine guy.
Yeah those light flares aren't in-game lol.
So I think I just found a forge Easter egg. I was forging on erosion, and I spawned a large walkway. On the front of this piece, a little beam...
To test these out, you simply just need to download "Harvest Hacker Slayer" and "Harvest Teleporter Slayer" by a guy named Lord Zedd. However, you...
Did you ask for permission from the creators?
Marauder Hey dudes, welcome to my first serious Halo 4 map. Anyway, I wanted to build a something Halo 4's map selection was lacking: small,...
It's an inverse symmetrical map.
Looks like a super bounce to me. No way you could go that high without a jet pack.
I'm not trying to support stupid comments or anything. I'm am just getting annoyed on how he is denying every comment.
You keep saying that you deserve in-depth comments, and the fact is you don't. No one does. I don't care how hard you work on a map, you don't...
I thought this was common knowledge... Maybe it'll help some people out, though.
So I dl'd, and I have a few comments. What is up with the dominion walls? I feel like trying to attack an enemy base will be tedious and simply...
My **** comment was in regards to your response to Fauch pre-edit. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree then. Good luck with the map.