bobsagetismyhro you must have not read the last part of the post
Waterlogged Created by Yorgie G Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Ctf, Assult Map Description one day i was playing the first mission of campain and...
how do you do it do you use a memory card or put the hard drive in and copy the files
reaching 7 exp on the 7th
at first i though it was fake but after the weekly update im surprized to find its ture
look good and really clean, gameplay looks good 5/5 might dl if i have room
yea there is its the thing to the left of the screen shot
the top isnt that high and i know i need more cover but im out of walls and theres only one door left
yea its in my recent post thing
well i wanted to post my map witch is why i was asking you to help test it
darklord is yorgie g
moved to first post
looks good but you need interlocking and maybe where the double boxes with the grav lifts try and make ladders theres a video on youtube
[IMG] skyrise Created by yorgie g Supported Gametypes: catpure the flag, king of the hill Map Description this is my newest map inspired by...
this map looks great the interlocking looks great the geomergeing looks amazaing but tell me how do you geomerge the crane with a box
this is really cool 5/5
wow awesome train
i would be cool if it was a timed map like after 3 minutes the place exploded but any way looks good i might download
this map looks amazing took me a while to notice what part of headlong it was, now only if they remade the real one anyways i'll dl 5/5
a really good cops and robber map but theres to many ways to get out