thank for puting pics of map up rifle.
Map- jump out of hell Game type- hell jumper...
yo when you are done with the game save it i want to watch it.
ok kiss and make up lol. i just read about the bungie thing with recon. that is pretty beast
why did you yell at me you could of told me that your mom was down stairs. jess P.S. i dont think i know everything
yo call my house i want to sleep over
if you are willing to make the games and meeting them you can join.
i play on 1 because it is simply the best. it keeps you BR good and you will hit a lot on sniper shots
I would like to put together a MLG team,Team Slayer, mostly all of the slayer types. I would be hosting try outs. Post on this thread if you want...
ok im not going to stop forgeing, and sorry that theres alot of monster truck maps. i will try makeing a different thing next will try to get...
alright i was trying to go to the instint action kind of monster trucks. thx
Monster Trucks Alright, this map is a monster truck map you ram into each other till you knock off the other person. or people. It really...
very nicly done. i really like the obelisk like bridge. i never saw it before. 4/5
O i never new about the i will do and try to make a good map and include this in the map.
wow i never heard of a vulture rush. this mite work i will try out and get be to you. hope it works.
mt favorite picture is V1 i think the other picture do not have a good color.:happy:
little boring and plan. also i dont like the colors. i like the whole thing with the mountains though.
To be honest, and I don't want to sound like a douche, but was it necessary to insult him? He's using the same tactic as yuourself, yet since...
yo kenny i go an infracshion wtf they said i double posted.
i will try to make the middle better, but I do need ideas. if anyone has any it would be nice if you can post them. thanks there are man cannons...