awesomeinfectionmap NOW THATS A NAME!
i like these sort of infection maps, looks very balanced but mabe you should set the warthhog to passenger only. I dont know but mabe humans could...
simple... alittle touch ups. weapons are balanced out fairly. lacking merging. sniper on tight map?
regular game? when i start up GTA, it directs me to ballad of gay tony. I wanna play regular GTA. How do u get there? -installed GTA IV...
oh.. aurite.. im gonna go in the corner for my ban.. *steps into shadows*
whats a shoutbox? i thought it was a LOLbox? no 1 tells me things anymore..:(
you dont love me?
i love you.
Thank you so much!!!!
video? sounds alittle complicated or atleast pics
ergg.. id only wanna see the V2. If it has interlocking, geomerging, etc, then i would like to see it. The map looks like it could use alot of...
Try not to take pics in forge, it makes it look off. And when it says "contains weapons", what sort of weapons? Big weapons to camp with? Well...
.... those turrets are gonna be a real pain... i think this might be better for shotty snipers. IMO, its still looks good for regular team slayer,...
I see you dont use interlocking. I see a couple spots that might need it but are fine. In the middle, there are alittle too much pillars....
Looks like a solid map...but more pics please...i cant really tell. Its really hard to tell if there is interlocking, i can see some but, i...
Aww man! I was thinking about doing this but i was to busy...beat me to it. well its pretty good. I like the middle section. I like the idea of...
The building is very impressive. But the rest is very dissapointing, not be a jerk. It would have been impressive if you got the dome shape to it....
he does have a point. But it doesnt really matter. Very acurate. Should have put a picture, next to it, so we can see the resemblence.
Im not really understanding the game...but i think im getting it. The middle stuctures are very interesting. I like the idea of a giant area that...