wow godly map no wonder it got featured
wow nice scarab but the front looks like a pelican
it haz good aesthetics but dont steal maps
All around good used tons of forging 101 tactics great structures and cover
amzing remake definite dl this haz good aesthetics and looks to have good gameplay
good u posted this many people could use it to help 5/5
looks nice but it could use more cover 3/5
nice interlokin looks like a city mix wit some hills and cliffs 5/5
looks like theres a lot of camping spots and good cover 4/5
Nice map great aesthetics nice interloking too
needs more pics that show the map from wat i can see it looks like a 3/5
looks sloppy good thing u changed ur pics make sure u use geo merge and interlok and scenery needs to be strate
its ok but it needs way more cover it just looks like structures
This hole series is great this i like because of all the structures great job !!!! Cant belive none have been featured
a new map
Im working on a new any helpers all r welcom
Looks awesome great interlocking and geomerge looks like a good ffa
its a nice dock but dont look fun should be in aesthetic
This looks real fun love the anti air craft gun
Looks good for aesthetics should be in both sections