pretty cool idea keep the ideas flowing you could make another really good map!
wow thats a really cool map. keep making them!
some people really know how to get creative with cold storage, and Arby, you sure know how. :]
very creative, many tight spaces and obstacles, im downloading!
spawn killing must be a real issue here. you should make rounds or something, so spawnkilling wont happen.
thats truely amazing, keep making maps please!
i guess it's unique, you used the actual map to it's advantage. i never thought to use that crashed ship. good thinking!
wow, that's really awesome, you make such good maps!
sounds really fun, i like the firs screenshot, that's very cool! ;]
that's very cool, better than my river map, lol xD
I've seen a map that was very similar to this before, maybe you got the idea from that? well nice job on the map! :]
it sounds interesting, but you need more screenshots, and they gotta be bigger.. i'd like a better more clear idea and better description of this...
Very nice map! it came out very smooth no bumby edges, seems to have alot of fuzing and time put in, Grats on the nice map! :]
Wow, Those screenshots have amazing Quality, very nice work! 5/5
I never thought the day would come when there would be a race map on Cold Storage youve changed my mind, lol. Nice Job!
Very Nice Screenshots, I just don't understand how these photos make what our displaying a map.. sorry.
Orbital! My Homie! I saw your map is up! VERY NICE!
Orbital is a good friend of mine, don't get mad because he double posted, It was his first time, it has pics now, so just stop spamming. the map...
Nice map! I'll download it, i just was wondering- how do you make half of a box below ground and half above, i would like to know, thanks