wow, that is really cool, im downloading!
deffenetly use interlocking in V2, because it looks a little sloppy. no offence..
i guess, it kindof cool. never seen a Halo-Mart..
thats a really nice race-map you got here, keep up the great work because many people will download, trust me.
The pics need to be bigger next time, if i look close although it does look like a pretty good map.
nice interlocking, looks like it took awhile, nice work!
Nice volcanoe, Those are NOT easy to make, Must have taken awhile. good job.
| Cage Fighting Arena | Cagematch is a Cage fighting arena suspended about 2 stories up in foundry, Players spawn in boxes with a node in them...
wow, that looks very creative! i'll deffinetly download, looks like loads of fun
woah, that looks like loads of fun! thats alot of fuzing too, very nice job!
nice forging skills, the map looks well FORTIFIED
looks interesting, keep up the good work
pretty creative, looks like it took alot of time to do all that item fuzing. i'd be so stressed :\
| SlaughterHouse | SlaughterHouse is an intermediate styled map that i made for an infection game. I just started a forge game and the outcome...
honestly it looks like you just mashed it up and called it "wall" i dont know its kinda stupid.
pretty cool, keep up the good work!
what happened to the screenshots?
w0w thats really awesome!
ive seen many ideas like this but never a drawbridge, lol pretty cool!
wow this is insanely awesome a deffinate download for me! keep it up!