YouTube- Screenshots Tutorial - Major Halo 3 Forge Forums
It's a great map but the "ducks" get to the platform way too easily. They have way too much health, it needs to be cut at least by a third or so....
Sure, that was a great thread, but you weren't able to criticize people or tell the person with the idea that you were going to do it. It was an...
This was an amazing racetrack, the bumps and jumps were awesome! Nice job! And you used the entire crypt, it felt like the racetrack lasted...
Good luck~ I added another idea. This list is growing fast!
Yeah, even though it didn't win it doesn't mean you should stop. This map has a ton of potential and would be great if a few improvements can be...
I knew this looked familiar. I liked the original Party Docks, you definitely have my download. By the way, have you used up your entire budget?...
Yes, please. You can use any of the following: Email: Click Me (It's under a link to protect from spam) Gamertag: GeassBandit ForgeHub:...
Formerely "Tons of Map Ideas", a thread started by LivesOn, is no longer being updated. I'd like to continue it as it was and still is a huge help...
It doesn't matter if the site is down or not. There are so many sites to use, you have NO excuse: TinyPic, PhotoBucket, Flickr, etc. And even if...
Download link is broken, please fix. Otherwise, from the pictures it looks awesome! Reminds me of Fallout 3, where you kill the brain in the...
I like the Weather Filters option, but wouldn't that add some lag? I think there should be a much wider variety of lights, I'm tired of the...
Please, please, please, no more asset maps. They are not fun, every single party I've played with has hated them (I could tell because only...
Obviously you clicked here because you have a suggestion for forge. Well, just wanted to assure you that anything you post here won't even be...
I laugh at the fact that you think people will go through all that trouble just to place some useless non-grabable powerups and teleporters into a...
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Bungie? Fix glitches? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! No, they won't because they refuse to get off their lazy asses and fix the problems in...
Yep, trip mines are restricted to the round in which they were placed. Basically, what B3NW said works but I'm sure it can be done many other ways.