Thank you everyone for their feedback and comments! I would like to let everyone know that I am still working on more Death Sports but it is not...
LCD display bright whites but will never be able to display dark colors as well as a plasma. So I guess it depends on what you hope to display....
Re: Down Pour (is it raining) [off topic] How do I make it smaller bro?
I would love to play with you guys but I'm only a 9.
Re: Down Pour (is it raining) Thats what she said...
Re: Down Pour (is it raining) You should change it to Airball style rules. You get killed and get a point...
k you try and make your friends laugh so they drop the pieces when they are pulling them out? haha jk jk Good idea... would love to play it with...
VERY NICE... lots well designed as well... great timing as well... I picked up Smash Bros. at midnight Saturday and I must say it is the BOMB!
What is the first game that you get points for killing yourself?
Thanks I appreciate it.... also, on a side note... I am working on a map that shoots dumpsters at you but it keeps glitching... Does anyone have...
Thank You to everyone who has commented! I am not retiring from forging, too many people like Airball... Look for new maps coming soon... as...
Thank You moderators! Im glad you guys care about such a lowly forger as myself! =]
Yeah... Stay fly! haha I like the Portal reference... CAKE... its a LIE!!!! Peace -DarthYoda19
What if someone jumps off another persons head and jump out?
I suggest you organize this post a little better.... Put some emphasis on something... Most people will stop reading because there isn't much...
I'd like to see pictures before I download... thanks
Thank You to everyone who has commented on this map and played it! This might be my offical retirement froge posting my creations.... I have...
I think your training course may help but ultimately hinder a normal Halo player. This is because the sniper, along with other guns in Halo, have...
Toonshorty- There is a way to set assasination earn points to Zero but there is no way to set death by assassination to zero. It is just another...
Thank You very much dude... I will definitely improve on this court but I wanted to get this posted so people could start playing. Yes the path...