You don't need to be shameless to be a pervert, and as I see it that's still a bad quality.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Ice's. It looks more refined and sharp than Hari's, and uses C4D nicely. However, it was very close in my opinion, good job to both of you.
Sig:[IMG] Name: Rampage Consent to rules: Certainly Program used: GIMP Other: I'm not so sure about the vector lines in this one.. but I kind of...
I think the jacket with the spartan helmet has overly-angular shoulders, but I can't complain at all. I really like it.
I'd like to sign up. :D
Sig: [spoiler] [spoiler] Name: Freedom Consent to rules: Certainly Program used: GIMP Other: The quality seems to be very low for some reason....
No, I see it too.
It's... plain... there's not really much substance to it...
Too plain. That tutorial doesn't seem to work well for a standalone signature.
I like it, but the right half feels too empty. I'd use a smaller canvas if I were you, or shift the focal over to the middle.
Yes, the background is far too blurry. I see what you tried to do, and it could work well.
The idea of C4D is not to use the C4D as a standalone background, but instead to provide small details to your final work. Read up on some...
The scan lines are awful in that they take away from the entire image. You might as well cut off half of your signature.
Well it's the smart way to do it, I constantly have to resist the temptation of all those grunge brushes I used to use. But I feel there's more...
I'm as much a fan of multiple, vibrant colors as any other graphic-art fanatic, I just don't think it feels right with the Army of Two characters....
It is, really. If you've done too little, good feedback is to do more.
I really like it as it is. I looked at it and thought, "Oh gosh that's way too freakin' empty", which is true. But there's not much you CAN do....
I'm not one for adding more effects where they aren't needed, but this is definitely too dark :\ I like the second font better, it's simpler and...
I like Ice's better... Hari's has a very strange feel to it, the stock is messed up on the right and over-effected on the left. It just doesn't...