Added pluses because i was told to, but i went overboard with it The weapon pickup could lead to some annoying combos (sniper+shotty, sniper+br,...
I have a few opinions. Firs+, weapon pick up could be easily avoided, a+ a sligh+ cos+ +o +he s+eal+h class. use cus+om power-ups +o give weapon...
More like everyone has done this.
The map has been updated, with added ramps and fixed spawns which further improve the gameplay. Never delete? You can always get under the map...
8y8zwaghetpghrtfa83tdshgid567eyh. Sorry, my jaw just dropped on the keyboard. I have to say, this is one of the nicest and best thought out maps i...
ok i did a play through on the map, and there are some issues. besides those already mentioned before me (you can see a crooked corner pipe in...
I'm in the process of forging my own version (15% done) using most of the ideas i have previously come up with
I'm currently xboxless, but i have already planned everything for my own version, needing only to build it now. As it is, I'll be sure to let you...
Elondor is back, with new fruit-filled ideas! -have a sort of hub, in which the 'units' spawn, and are able to talk to the commander, and pick...
ah i meant for the commander. ie: rocket mac blast couldn't set off the switches but the sniper rifle could. Oh, if you would like to do a...
Ooh have units spawn from in the base, but odst from the air/drop pods i mentioned. make it so only the sniper is able to release things?
Aha, just read all teh posts on this map, and gots ideas for you. -Give the comanders a reason to save up money for more expensive things. -Have...
Try making the score 10, add in other weapons(?) so people can get out to grab them, so they waste time but are more able to "remove" competition....
Map Voted For: Collision Reason: With a unique design full of great forging and aesthetics that are pleasing to the eyes, this map brings a great...
Alrighty, here i go. GT: E10nd0r Age: 17 Time Zone: Pacific standard (California) Skill: Epic haha i've been playing infection since halo 2...
why not just have a spawn modifier, granting respawned people with slight camo, invulnerability, and they deal no damage? simple gametype change....