i saw v1 and i see major improvments no longer is there grenades scattered across the top but a structure and you have a wall surrounding it when...
hey master nice map i played it a while ago with some friends 5/5 its so fun :) and it looks cool aswell 5/5
i didnt copy any of your suggestions i looked at your map but i didnt even look at your comments so dont say i copyed. plus i havent seen any...
na its good distance because you still have time to dodge and its not like you can trow a nade straight across you need to aim a bit up. i might...
Hi today I am with my first dodge ball game DB River.( this is my 3rd map 4th if you count v2’s) DB river is where 2 teams are on the opposite...
ok first things first images to embed them you need to save your bungie pics to your computer then go to a image uploading site i suggest photo...
no i checked like 100 times fear of heights is called acrophobia but its also a few other ones that mean that 2 k
to counter large weapons use rockets only works 1 time then u need to wait for rockets to respawn plus dont be right behind cover you will regret it.
Hi this is my second map posted on forgehub (Third if you count v2’s) Acrophobia: The Fear of Heights. Link: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details...
cool map from what i can see but could you please tell us more about your map and gametype/s? also trying interlocking to make your map neater and...
pretty coool but it would be better if you had more buildings. humans probaly are gonna go to the zombie building anyway coz u can teleport camp....
pics arent worken to fix this upload pics from bungie net to photobucket then just past the url thingy idk wat u did tho to make it have Xs it...
cool map the only maps i see like this are featured really good map 6/5
pretty cool for slayer 3.5/5
cool map i agree with the first part about the cover but besides that its pretty cool 4/5
no download link to fix this problem you need to copy and past url of the download oh yeah wooot first post who cares really lol
cool map 3/5 but this is not upto forum standards u need download link to get download link u copy and past url onto the thread ok cool
looks pretty cool but hard to see. its kinda cool how u have it all apart and not 1 structure 3.5/5
cool map 4/5 keep working on gt coz it looks like alot of fun
yeh please make it better because from what i see it looks like a very coool map and if this is spamming plz tell me bye bye