Okay, so I'm 3/4 of the way through my latest map which everyone whose seen has been very impressed with. I was showing some people it and noticed...
This is my 2nd map overall and my 1st in the sky bubble, it has two levels with two lifts,opposite each other, taking you up to the 2nd level. It...
Now before I mention my idea, let me say i'm perfectly aware that this cannot be implemented into halo 3's forge and I'm not suggesting that it be...
Hi guys this is my first ever map, took me just over a week to make and I can't say I loved every minute of building it because I'm sure you all...
So I'm pretty close to finishing my first map, there is one problem though. I spawned a bruteshot very early in the building process just to test...
Hi guys, been forging since yesterday and been having a lot of fun and getting extremely frustrated all in the same 5 mins. Started making a map...
Hi guys, been playing halo since CE came out on pc so I'm a veteran in gaming terms but I'm as nooby as they come with forging. Only just started...