I'm Glad to see you finally finished this! this was a lot of fun to 'test' with you.haha, i'm glad to see you didnt even use the doors i placed...
1 Minute Ago - permalink ZAXLAX 15 Yeah true dat, I put like a layer of blocks down in like an hour and a half, and was like screw this, I coan do...
Yeah true dat, I put like a layer of blocks down in like an hour and a half, and was like screw this, I coan do that in about 10 minutes in reach,...
Hey bro, sup?
I made a sketch of one side of the new map I came up with' like a players perspective on paper, but I'm gonna try and make that in paint so I can...
Yeah so making that mock up of a map sounds like a terrible idea now... Haha
wellllll since i was making maps in 2 weeks before, without ghost merging, and since i learned ghost merging for Qiztiq, i think that one week...
ninja maps? i posted qiztiq in the testers guild? not any ninja maps.and you never let me know how your feedback was on that ;P haha.and yeah that...
The idea came from physics class, and we started talking about Pythagoras's followers and how they believed in complete symmetry and that...
Well from wha. I can tell, the map seems EXTREMELY breakable, I'm not sure if you intended on this? Also I think a lot more interlocking would...
Accept my friend request dangittt!
If you want me to post your POWERHOUSE map the CORRECT WAY and give you FULL credit, i will :) just let me know.or i can show you the instructions...
yeah pretty much the whole map was ghost merging, it would have been impossible to finish that map in the amount of time i did (1 week).haha.and...
yeah i always get z fighting whenever i interlock, could this possibly be something to do with my connection? and yeah the lifts arent the most...
@vantierX , yeah i got a few responses saying they would rather have a sniper, and some saying a rocket, and more people went with the rocket.so i...
@cartoonwolf Thanks for your comment! but im not sure what you mean by Z fighting?
From the first version i got rid of smaller blocks and added double blocks in there place (free'd up item amount space). Then i was able to make...
Thanks for the comment! and what was the snowcone about? haha.and as far as i could test breaking it, it is 100% unbreakable. and yes there are a...
this ISN'T anywhere close too perfect but here is another idea [IMG]
QiZTiQ is Finished completely and posted, go check it out! :)