have u even done a forge through? btw thx for all the comments, i know some of the aesthetics are not the best, but I've always just gone for good...
Finally after much testing and a little bit of forging, I've finished version 3, the final version. Endangerment is a very vertical map, with...
barrel blaster for seaboro kibbles
yea i'm using spawn areas, and its a ffa map...is that bad?
Yo I'm finishing up v3 of my map, and I've had some spawn issues that I'm not really sure how to fix them. The problem is that people spawn...
I've tested and played this map quite a bit, and I must say the gameplay is definetely not boring. I'm an MLG person so i personally don't agree...
Pretty good layout, especially the sniper tower and area with the wall corners. Some parts that will commonly be walked on (part of the sniper...
aw lol, well i'll be gone until sunday. i'll probably finish that building during that time
whatsup wanna work on that map?
havent played enough to see any real flaw (only like twice) but i'm sure, like terminal and reflex (still in my playlist), that it will stay in my...
actually this looks kind of interesting, but it definetely needs some more to it, my GT is F474L17 y z if you want a little help
I thought this map was really great. I played it a few times and I dont really have 1 complaint about the design or aesthetics. The only thing i...
i think i need help making a better post yea, didn't use the unlimited budget glitch so couldnt make too many aesthetics
pics working, dling and will give full review in a few days
Endangerment Created by Fatalityz Supported Gametypes: FFA only, 5 players reccomended Slayer Oddball Koth only Gamevee video here!! Changes...
actually my iq is 147, taken in elementary school by a professional. just cause i dont write correct sentences in a forum post should matter?...
i have 59 posts because the only times i post are to complain about the staff and write up mini reviews of maps. probably my typing is bad cause...
idk y u would make a forging website if you're such dicks and will only help who u like...the one time a person that's somewhat known on this...
i only did a forge through the good: platforms and aesthetics -layout is really good, great jumps and good cover, alot of short range the bad:...
i've played multiple games on this and i think-- The good: the middle structure and mancannon and everything in the center was amazing!! really...