my vote goes to: Veyron by TFx KiLl3r
This track looks awsome really well done!! I love the turns and the whole track itself. My only problem is the fact that im terrible ona mongoose...
I've been keeping tabs on you Killer and finally you have released a new map. Better than your others in my opinion, not only in appearence but...
lol, where to start, but im not going to. Most has already been said, in my opinion this map has its potential and for a first map this is not bad...
pretty nice well done, love the first one the second was luck coz you suck at scoping lol
I really love this, it was great fun to play and was very comeptitive and proved a good conquest map, well done 4.6/5
I got 2 frenzies and a running riot today, have no space for more films atm but will make space and post them soon
Diversity Best 1v1, 2v2 map to date in my opinion, simply amazing and aesthetically pleasing as well!
I love 2v2 maps and the like and this was just outstanding, last night i played this with 3 mates and it was such fun and very competitive. I also...
Love this map, generally i feel i have a soft spot for 2v2 maps and the like and this is no exception well made and the gameplay is brilliant,...
This looks very promising, and as i am a massive fan of guardian myself, this appeals to me and the concept is very good, I have dl'd and will...
I dl'd this a while back and i love this map, the races were very fun with friends and so on, and it is really well made well done.
thanks for posting those firefox because after reading his post i was just about to click away, but they look amazing indeed, i love the first one...
Same! All three shots are sensational realy well done. Whilst playing swat I got this extermination overkill on narrows while going over the grav...
i use 5-8 but when im in the mood and am playing well i move up to 10 for complete ownage!
lol, hilarious i love it! Well done indeed, me and some of my friends were just sitting and re-acting the video lol! Was so fun and just chatting,...
same as the others the blurr annoys me to the piont of death
I love th pictures, I dont normally visit the screenshot forum but these look great and i love them all. The last one is very nice and i love the...
I downloaded this map on saturday and have been meaning to comment on it. This map is something special, the pictures look good and the gameplay...
What the hell are the tube pieces, why are they like that. Are you trying to create something or are you just lazy but I do not like the look of...