exactly.. BOARING.. lol
Anyone have any ideas that they are gonna do if they bring back Coagulation..? im thinking... race.. a crazy ass.. race... goin thru a base.. the...
well...... hmm... where he dies thats the same spot where the explosion was when he stuck the warthog... and his partner didn't get hurt by it......
.. Snakes and ladders?... stairways and escilators?.. <- Spellin sucks! those r good names frum waht i see in the map
Another Race masterpeice this is great it's as if you took some of my ideas and put them on to a map ... wish i had the heric map pack to do this...
i see little diffrence with bungie 500 and this...
bad map pretty good loop.. .. using grav lifts to push u to the nest part of the loop and so on and so on until ur outa there?... that exploding...
instead of most of the time people going doubles... why not let the VIP go in a vehicle...? more vehicles more mayhem?
it's agreed..., back to halo 3 ranks i gues?... hmm.. uhh... erm.. they dont really matter... except who you want to play with skill ways.. if u...
this is messed ... what do u mean a obsitcal course most ppl are just gunna run and jump!.. no skill it wouldn't be the best idea but if pulled...
Sweet i got some great ideas depending on waht we are trying to acheive.. Szafranko <- GT
i was thinking of making a map about Vimy ridge.. but it dont have time with exams and new semester and such.. plus im already working and a map...
better yet... k wait this is a KOTH right?.. ok so this should all be dun on a floating platform.. with a square shape kOTH to fit the size of the...
why not just block off the 2nd elephant from the world.. as in use a buncho crates n stuff.. make sure they cant be moved so i suggest the place...
DIBS.... aw... 2 late?.. ye im to late.. lol JKS i have no clue how this flash of blue could be used into a map!? ... lIKE NO IDEA.. unless......
although most maps have a ctf kind of way to it.. yours can make taht change.. i am hopeing to see a great map from you because what u say i just...
Hey man i'd just scratch teh whole spartan lazer idea... because the sentil beam is a lazy basically.. and thats way better with no shields or...
wow thats pretty cool good job, i enjoy the dont play with swords one lol XD
why so far away :'( I WANT IT NOW!... tear i miss coag theres so many things that can be dun imagine the possiblities of a HUGE floating Fortress...
i cant quite read that dose it say you commited suicide?... or that somone killed you?... because possibly somone sniped you... , but i think that...