WOOTNESS Map updated, now i set up symmetrical and Asymetrical, so tehres no weapons when ur playing infection, and spawns rnt messed up :) hav fun
lol the guy who commented about falling to death.. is taht sarcasm? lol
either this map is relly good.. or that guy is just really picky.. i say it's good.. not MAGNIFICENT.. but it's a pretty good map and i dont see n...
lmao! lmao LMAO!.. wowz... haha i luv the wraith part.. it isn't even funny but it's hilarious i have no clue why it's so dam funneh! lmao...
well mazes make things tricky, i dunno lol it just makes stuf fun, so ye it just good
it's been changed, i forgot to change the link to the map, scince i updated this so you can play slayer, but ye it should work now.. enjoy
this is alright i like the screens that show where weapons are nice thinking, also just looks like a good map altogether might dl when i get room,...
these pics really dont show off your map, and i know ur not supposed to judge map by pic's... but hell everyone dose!.. and your pics arnt doing...
lol alrigt i suggest actually playing slayer before infection, you get to know the map around better and hideing spots which are needed when...
uhh.. er.. well.. before anyone else thinks of this... Close quarters is copyrighted by the Szafarnko corporation and use of this name other then...
you dont have to end ur msg with ur name i pretty sure i know it's you lol, so you like the map?... have u actually played it or are u just saying...
you mean a gif, well i used unfreez, simple program u just put in some gif pic's set the time u want between each pic goes by mili seconds... and...
this budget wasnt the problem it was resources... i was gunna put a teleporter at the top of the drop on the top floor... and that would lead to a...
Alright so anyone who see's this, can you post your idea on the map layout changing, by this i mean, what kinda of path or pattern do you want the...
Close Quarters Created by Szafranko [br] Supported Gametypes: Infection Infection on this map is brutal, the infected spawn at the top of the map...
he he yep, thats the one, and i posted there sooo... things good just ignore that, umm this map..hmm what do i think... well i like the fuel rod...
yep wrong thread.. lol i think this is about your other map... hmm.. somthing to do with a temple?... sounds familar... i dont quite remember what...
ye, thats been discussed and it's agreed this is a minigame map... i just dunno how to switch it there so if any admin or guilders or who ever...
Sorry for douple post... i've updated the description and ect. soo thats all new, when bungie fixes my file i can post a pic of new spawn area,...
true.. wel if the guilders or admins'.. who ever can change that kinda stuff.. if they think it belongs in mini games they can move it there, they...