When constructing a map, try to get it to a point where Gameplay will work and where everything functions properly. Make sure spawns work and also...
Hmm kz I did not bump this thread >_> This map does have amazing gameplay also BTW. What is it with people and starting arguments? You disagree...
Skill: 50 Sensitivity: 3
You cant have the teardrop below the grid. There you go. Just turn the Double Box over and then ghost merge it.
Jeef made the F*cking map. He made it before ghost merging which is why he had to save some of his films of making the map because his merges were...
I agree with you 100% Jeef, and it kind of upsets me that none of your maps got Featured when they completely deserve it. Anyways onto the MLG...
MLG does not include: -Needlers -Brute Shot -Shotgun -SMG -Spikers MLG Maps (especially oe as small as this) should only have 1 Plasma Pistol...
WTF^^^^ Kid stop being a ****, he was replying to JPeloquin. Take time to read other's post's before oyu make a random statement like that. Onto...
I have succeeded, you will se what I did whe the map releases or if I your on my friends list I might show you, its pretty cool.
Foundry. Rifte can you join me, I sent yiu an invite, I will try to send youa friend request.
I need the VIP to spawn in a cage.
Is there anyway to get the VIP on a Team to spawn in a particular starting point? I have thought of numerous ways but none have worked. If anyone...
I am working on a map, and I am making a switch (with two grav lifts and a fusion coils). However, I would like the time on the grav lift to be...
JP I think you forgot to put someones name in the map description and this post....
Hey rifte I would also like to forge this.
Yeah it was a typo :(. Im not going to put 8 Ar's on a a map, there are actually 4.
Thx everyone for the postive comments, and recognizing what I have changed to make gameplay better.
HA LMFAO. You have not ever played this map if you think gameplay fails. Im not getting defensive, im getting offensive, dont say my map has bad...
This is the Last Version of my map Asylum v1. It was never named Asylum, (it was first named Asylum v1) so I shall name the final version just...
Hopefully a ghost merging-like glitch wont be found early on in Reach Forge, because then maps will be judged on how well it is merged again. It...